
I Know You Think God Isn't Listening

I Know You Think God Isn't Listening

My life had entered a dark phase. I was struggling with life's challenges and I could barely make it through the day.  Every night I would pray to my Dad, "Please talk to God and send me some help. I need someone to take care of me. I'm not strong enough for this."

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Cancer Trauma is Real

Cancer Trauma is Real

A cancer diagnosis creates a storm of strong emotions, and it forces us to evaluate our lives and our mortality. Within a matter of seconds life is changed forever, and through my own experience, I learned that women often are not provided with the necessary tools to emotionally heal from this traumatic event. Some cancer treatment centers provide both medical and emotional support, but many do not. Often women are left to their own devices to heal and overcome the emotional trauma. 

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A Stranger's Gift

A Stranger's Gift

Then she touched my arm, looked me directly in the eye, and said “Don’t let anger build up. Don’t let it take the joy from your life. Forgive others and forgive yourself.” Her words brought tears to my eyes.  How did she know I was angry?  How did she know to say those things to me?

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